SPIN ® Selling is the world's most validated sales methodology. It has been validated in over 40,000 sales calls, worldwide, in most industries, over 4 decades. Thousands of companies and individuals are trained every year in SPIN ® Selling to become better at creating value in the customer dialogue.
Many people think that SPIN ® Selling is only a question methodology that contains four groups of questions: situation, problem, impact and utility questions. But if it is not simply a questioning methodology, then what is it? What does SPIN® Selling actually contain?
The four SPIN® behaviors are not the answer to being successful! In the research, it was seen that successful salespeople use these four SPIN ® behaviors with a specific frequency compared to the average salesperson. Learning this frequency is critical to being successful. It is not a manuscript with questions but a framework. The four SPIN® behaviors are not the answer to being successful. There are more behaviors that are crucial, according to the research.
When a salesperson communicates with a customer and uses the SPIN® behaviors, the salesperson receives different responses from the customer. Some of these answers are expressions of the customer's needs. Successful salespeople distinguish between two types of needs and develop them in different ways. Average sellers develop all needs in the same way.
We see here a significant difference between the most successful and the average seller. The difference in developing these two types of needs is the key to challenging and building value in the customer dialogue. Learning the technique of building the needs is critical to success. We see this in the research.
Demonstrating your solution effectively There are three additional verbal behaviors within the SPIN® methodology. These are about how we talk about our own solution linked to features, benefits and meanings. By using the right behaviors at the right time, we create a long-term impact from first contact to contract.
What do those who have gone through SPIN® say?
"For the first time, we learned to listen instead of just talking to our customers."
"By improving the consultative sales skills of our salespeople with SPIN ® we got a unique opportunity to create clear competitive advantages in a tough market."
"The course was very informative, well thought out and with a good mix of theory and practical exercises."
"Fantastic sales course that gets full pot across the board."
SPIN® is a sales training suitable for salespeople, sales managers, project managers and others involved in complex business relationships.