B2B sales can usually be divided into simple and complex sales . It is important to understand how complex the sale is. As this will have a bearing on how you work with a customer account.

Complex selling is often defined as:
The purchase is too large to be approved by just one person
The decision is made by a formal or informal group of senior people who are likely to have different drivers (needs)
The complexity of the process of making the decision means that it can take months and even years.
Your proposed solution can have a significant impact on the organization and its effectiveness - so the decision will have a big impact.
Success can mean the start of a long-term and profitable relationship for both parties.
The importance of the deal means that the procurement team will consider a range of different suppliers, all of whom will be aggressively fighting to win the deal.
There is a significant risk for the decision-making organization and especially for the participants in the decision-making group.
In our research, we see that complex decisions result in organizations and the decision-making group going through a number of psychological phases.
We call this the decision process (Buying Cycle).
Consider the following elements when dealing with complex sales.
Sell the way your customers buy
Focus on how the decision-making group buys - not on how you want to sell.
Remember to deal with different people who have different priorities, feelings and ambitions.
Remember the different psychological phases that the customer goes through when making a complex purchase. Each part of the Decision Process requires different behaviors and approaches for the salesperson
Changed conditions
Aware of needs
Evaluate alternatives
Doubt before decisions
Decision....and then back to Implementation/Evaluation
Analyze where the customer is on an overall level and where each decision influencer is in their own Decision Process.
Use the appropriate strategies and skills in each phase to steer the decision influencers towards a joint and beneficial decision for you.
Good luck with your complex sales.