Many organizations want to create a movement and sell more on the value of their product/service instead of price - but few know where to start to get there.

In order to be able to sell more value in an organization, a number of things need to be in place. Here are three parts:
We need an internally created process to articulate value based on our products/services.
We need skills training for our salespeople to become better at creating this value in the customer meeting.
We need managers who continuously work to give feedback and coach in value-based sales.
Do you have a structured process internally to build up value based on your product's strengths?
How do we then create a structured process to create value in the customer meeting?
Internally, there is often no structured process for articulating customer value based on your service/product's strengths and which is linked to customers' problems and requirements.
Below is a short step-by-step process how you can do it.
Articulate customer value better in a step-by-step process
Take your product/service's strengths as a starting point - specify your strengths.
Start with the strongest strength you have.
Then start from your customer's perspective - what problems/requirements do I as a customer need to have in order to value this strength?
Brainstorm as many problems/requirements that match the strength
Then formulate the value based on the current situation (cost with today's solution) and the pay-off (benefit) for a customer to implement the change.
Then brainstorm around different customer groups/stakeholders/market segments
Map a specific customer group against relevant problems/requirements.
Then summarize
Strength 1 --> customer problem/requirement A = relevant for customer group 1, 3 and 5
Strength 2 --> customer problem/requirement B = relevant pre-customer group 2, 3, and 6
Then start over and take strength #2 and repeat the same process
Companies where Product Management/Marketing have a structured process to articulate customer value often have a sleepless relationship with the sales organization.
Good luck articulating value based on your product's strengths