One way to increase sales in the long term is to improve the sales skills of the salespeople. This can be created through more and better sales coaching.

Study after study shows the same thing! An organization that really coaches its employees for real increases the motivation of the employees at the same time as the result increases significantly.
A sales manager who is a sales coach creates a multiple sales effect with the salespeople.
In order to increase the skill of the salespeople, the demand is made that line managers sales coach the employees both more often and better .
Coach more often How many hours of sales coaching do you do per week ? What % of your total time do you spend on sales coaching?
Successful organizations tend to coach their employees 15-20% more than the average.
If you are not satisfied with the time you invest in coaching your employees, then you need to start planning coaching in your calendar.
Determine the number of coaching sessions you want to complete per week. Then book your employees - and don't cancel!
Coach better Sales coaching is about increasing the skills and competence of the employee. In order to achieve this, coaching needs to take place on the recipient's terms. Coaching is not about listening to a salesperson for 10 minutes and then "giving" a number of suggestions and solutions that are written down as action points.
In successful and motivating coaching conversations, the coach gives less than 10% of the suggestions/ideas;
The remaining 90% of the suggestions/ideas come from the recipient.
In order to be able to sell coaching better, you need to understand what coaching is and how to effectively carry out coaching conversations.
After that, it is good to continuously train and retrain your skills in sales coaching. Good luck with your sales coaching!